| |
Sites are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 's.
Criteria for rating include: quality, quantity, freshness and diversity of
content; interactivity; and originality. I'm tough when it comes to ratings, and
all these sites (yes, mine included. I've forgotten what the term timely updates
means!) seem to fall short in at least two of these categories. Take the ratings
with a grain of salt, they're all worth a look.
Click here to submit
a new site.

'bout them Cryboys |
Rating:   /5 |
Brian Gonzales |
Rated: 2/16/01 |
An archive of every Dallas Cowboys loss
ever. A great site to cheer you up on those rare occasions when Dallas
actually wins. |

The Dallas
Cryboys Anti-Fan Picture Page |
Rating:   /5 |
Joe Siegler |
Rated: 2/16/01 |
If you like to see pictures of the Cowboys
getting the $#!* knocked out of them (don't we all?) this is the site
for you. |

Dallas Sucks |
Rating:   /5 |
Unknown Author |
Rated: 8/24/98 |
The main draw at this site is the
anti-Dallas merchandise and club memberships they sell. There is at
chat board as well, but at the time of the review it seemed to be
split 50/50 between mindless rants and Cowboy lover's flames. |

Cowboy Web Ring |
Rating:  /5 |
Scott Henrichs |
Rated: 8/24/98 |
Over 60 pages that have registered to be
part of the Anti-Dallas Web Ring can be found here. On the plus side,
lots of links, and you can add your own site for free; on the down
side, most of the pages are not strictly geared towards anti-Dallas
issues. |

Malice |
Rating:  /5 |
Tom Denehy |
Rated: 8/24/98 |
More eloquent than most rant against the
Dallas Cowboys by Tom Denehy of the Tucson Weekly Wire. |

America's Most
Wanted Team |
Rating: /5 |
Tarnished Star |
Rated: 8/24/98 |
The sole purpouse of this site is to sell
the company's anti-Dallas t-shirt, which features the "Dallas
Convicts." Check it out if you're interested in the shirt,
otherwise don't bother. |
